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Monthly Group Meeting - May '21

After 14 Months restrictions on socializing and contact with others was eased, the club was able to hold a formal meeting on Wednesday 26 May!

No training session was arranged, but a review of what the committee and other members had been doing over the lockdown period was delivered by group Chair, Mark Kelk to the 18 members present.

First order of service was anouncement of the AGM at the 23 June meeting and the election of officers being opened for those wishing to be considered for the committee roles.

Next was letting the group know that over the past year there had been 18 new members joining E-YARD, 9 in 2020 and 9 so far in 2021. Mark thanked all members for their support over the lockdown period and the continued positivity even though we had been unable to practice and meet up.

The continued free membership until the 2022 season was confirmed along with the committee decision to grant free membership for qualified, practicing group tutors.

There was then an update on what had been occurring regarding training, with newly qualified tutors Paul Morton, Guy Gregory and Mike Allen receiving mention. He then explained that all Group Tutors had been Quality Assessed with RoSPA HQ being informed of this.

A new and potential Tutor's course was announced as being held shortly as part of the groups ongoing committment to quality training and development. This is in addition, as Mark explained, to a four day residential Tutor course planned for September.

Mark the went on to discuss 2021 planned events, which are likely to be limited due to the current situation. The only planned event was the Driffield show, which Safer Roads Humber had offered the club a stand at, to promote Advanced Driving and Riding. A provisional date of 24 April 2022 was identified as suitable for the next #RidetheWolds event, by which time social restrictions should be fully lifted. He also said that there was an intention to extend an option for cars if sufficient interest existed.

Mark then informed the group that E-YARD was still continuing to support Bikesafe as a premier provider of assessment riders, and had already had representatives supplied for the first BikeSafe of the season, with a further four events planned, all of which would have E-YARD tutors being utilised to assess candidates.

The restructure of social rides was then explained by the Chair, with Coddiwomples now being run fortnightly, alternating from Saturdays to Sunday to open the availalblity to more members to enjoy dependant on their domestic commitments. He also explained that the success of breaking down larger groups into Smaller groups, a result of Covid 'Rule of SIx' had proved popular and easier to manage and would now be the format for future rideouts. Again, it was expressed that Cars were always welcome to join these rides even if only to meet at the determined termination destination.

A Thursday night mid-week rideout throguhout the season would become a regular feature, with members being encouraged to simply turn up at 1745 and arrange a destination between themselves - a purely social event. They will be promoted as 'TNT' - Thursday Night Trundles

Other social events were announced, firstly a social night, the date of which will have to be confirmed (the date announced on the night has had to be withdrawn as it was unfortunately double booked), will be arranged mid Summer. Kelvin Turner announced that he was organising a visit to the Yorkshire Air Museum at Elvington for the group and asked for numbers wishing to attend. The organising of a 'Treasure Hunt' type event was also mentioned by Dave Pattenden.

Whilst not a usual type of monthly group meeting, it did enable some good communication between members and underlined the professional and dedicated approach of both the members of E-YARD and the committee.

The next meeting, as stated, will be on Wednesday 23 June, commencing 1930 hours. The meeting will deliver a training presentation and will encompass the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) including the election of committee officers.



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East Yorkshire Advanced Riders & Drivers (E-YARD) meet monthly at Beverley & East Riding Golf Club, Anti Mill Road, Beverley Westwood, HU17 8RG 

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