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May '21 Round-Up

May saw members of RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders East Yorkshire (E-YARD) being able to enjoy the next stage of the Covid lock-down restrictions being lifted as the nights got shorter and longer evening returned.

Now able to meet in groups of six outdoors (since mid-April) real social riding and training was possible again.

Our Tutors had all been requalified under a programme that saw one-to-one QA's (Quality Assuring) over the March to April lifting of restrictions.

A Coddiwomple on Sunday 9th May to the Yorkshire Cycle Hub attended by 8 members.

Later the same week the inaugural TNT took place - Thursday Night Thrash, a feature that will continue every Thursday night through to October.

Recently qualfied Group Tutor, Paul Morton was out regularly through the month, at every opportunity really, Tutoring his associates, Adam Meekin and Julian Burton. At this rate he'll be taking Rosie's crown from her for most prolific Tutor!

Talking of Rosie, she was very busy doing initial assessments on our new members, as well as tutor duties with her associates.

Also, along with Ian Streets, Rosie represented E-YARD at the first Humberside Police BikeSafe event, held on Saturday 15 May from the new venue at Police Ops Complex in Melton.

Ian also was busy with other associates, bringing new members up to speed as well as training new tutors in their role.

The Saturday Coddiwomple was a smaller group, which was led by Ian Streets.

Destination was Brymors Ice Cream parlour, via Beadlams for lunch.

Don't believe it - It was an 8 ball cone to start with!

As the month moved on the rain came, leading to the cancellation of the TNT.

Lifting of some Covid restrictions meant that a monthly meeting could again go ahead.

Led by Chair, Mark Kelk, the announcement of the AGM in June was made along with nominations being opened for officers of the Committee. A review of what had been going on in the background was then delivered, who had joined, qualified as tutors and all other manner of news. The new system for Coddiwomples and the new TNT's were publicised to the group.

The month ended with a bank holiday weekend, which, unbeliveably was sunny!!

Shame there was no ride arranged, and it was a classroom session for Tutor training at the Golf Club

E-YARD prides itself on the quality and training of it's Tutors, and all tutors must complete the Tutor Training Course as part of their qualification process. A written exam was undertaken at the start of the course by the new and previously qualified tutors. The exam is based on the knowledge of RoadCraft that should be known by the tutors and the questions likely to be asked by associates. The rest of the course looked at best practice and techniques for delivering the best training in the area to our associates.


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