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2021 Review


Gripped by a worldwide pandemic, 2021 commenced in similar vain the 2020, with restrictions and lock-downs preventing any real form of social aspects, it was a lacklustre start to the year. On the plus side, things could only get better!

There was some exposure for E-YARD though in January, however, with two members featuring in RiDE/MCN


WIth horrendous cold weather and continued lock down, February was pretty much a write off with no activity allowed and not a lot to plan for!


As Spring began to open, so did the lock-down status, with government delivering their 'road-map' out of lock-down. E-YARD developed it's own road-map to recommence and published it for all the members on it's social media.

The club also arranged a deal for discount on all services with 5-Ways Motorcycle centre for all it's members


Towards the end of March the Tutor requalification process commenced, with the Advanced Tutors, Chris Hood, Denise Rose and Ian Streets check tested one another before then going on to check test the rest of the Tutor Hub.

Mid April we were allowed to meet in socially distanced groups of 6. This meant that E-YARD could commence some form of normal business.

As a result of this, a social rideout, called a Coddiwomple in the group, was arranged for the first Sunday after lockdown

20 members signed up and as such Covid compliant groups of no more than six set out on separate routes with the same dectination, Whitby and was enjoyed and blew a lot of cobwebs away!

A committee meeting decided that tutors would no longer be charged annual subscription due to the time they give up and the dual cost of RoSPA and E-YARD membership. A small price to pay for some very professional people.


As the 'rule of six' continued, a Coddiwomple on Sunday 9th May to the Yorkshire Cycle Hub attended by 8 members - in two groups of 4.

Thursday Night Trundles were reintorduced, again keeping to the covid standards.

Full tutoring also recommenced with Group Tutors keen to get back out there delivering what they were trained to do. Lockdown had actually seen an increase in membership creating a waiting list for tuition, and an aggressive recruitment programme to increase tutor numbers.

A return to supporting other organisation saw Ian Streets, Rosie represent E-YARD at the first Humberside Police BikeSafe event since 2019 from the new venue at Police Ops Complex in Melton.

All E-YARD tutors complete the Tutor Training Course as part of their qualification process. The first opportunity to deliver this in over a year saw the course being held at Beverley Golf Club, A written exam was undertaken at the start of the course by the new and previously qualified tutors. The exam is based on the knowledge of RoadCraft that should be known by the tutors and the questions likely to be asked by associates. The rest of the course looked at best practice and techniques for delivering the best training in the area to our associates.


A red hot summers bank holiday started the best part of a week of glorious weather, with the first 'official' E-YARD event of the month the Thursday Night Trundle (TNT) which saw a total of 11 bikes and 2 pillions traverse an average of 100 miles each from Beverley to Cleethorpes and back for fish'n'chips.

The first weekend of the month was the Sunday Coddiwomple, with another great turnout for E-YARD, again riding in two groups, which head out to, and met at How Stean Gorge, Nidderdale.

It wasn't all social, with Andy Brittan requaifying his car with a gold grade, as he commenced his car tutoring programme.

Adam Meekin passed his advanced bike test, as did Kelvin Turner, Chair, Mark Kelk requalified his bike test, whilst Ian Streets & Denise Rose both re qualified as Advanced Tutors.

Ian Streets and Guy Gregory represented E-YARD at the BikeSafe workshop


Marshalls BMW Motorrad held a World of BMW event as part of a national promotion of BMW new range of motorcycles.

This was a 'road-show' attended with 20 demonstration machines for riders to take out and ride under escort with their own team.

Having been invited to attend, E-YARD (RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders East Yorkshire), put together a small team to propmote RoSPA and E-YARD, to educate attendees and possibly recruit new members to RoSPA and E-YARD.

Andy Brittan requalified on a bike this month, and with his gold commenced his motorcycle tutor training.

Paul Morton and Mike Allen represented E-YARD at the July Humbersdie Police BikeSafe event

Coddiwomples and TNT continued as Covid restrictions were eased even further.


August, traditionally a quiet month due to school holidays, family vacations and other domestic summer committments was, however, whether a result of staycations or extended summer hols due to Covid, a busy one for E-YARD.

The E-YARD BBQ social event was hosted at the Beverley Golf Club. An excellent evening was had by all with not only members attending, but also partners as well.

Pippa Unwin and Christine Cross did a HOPP rider course along with some other friends from IAM at Cadwell Park race circuit, Lincolnshire. A brilliant day learning the capability of their machines, and a real confidence builder for the road.

Andy Brittan again acheived a further string to his bow as he qualified as a motorcycle tutor for E-YARD. Adam Abel joined the E-YARD family as a Tutor, as did Rod McAndrew, and Guy Gregory completed his tri-annual test with a gold grading.

Kelvin Turner gave the club a bespoke tour of Elvington Air Museum with a tour of the musuems collection of Buccaneer Cold War aircraft, where he volunteers as an engineer.

Coddiwomples to the Bubble Car Museum at New York and a jaunt over the North Yorkshire Moors ending at the new NY500 venue, along with TNT's completed the social side of the month.

Pippa and Rosie represented E-YARD at the August BikeSafe event

SEPTEMBER E-YARD secured a further deal for discount with Miles Kingsport.

The groups tutors head up to Huntingtower for the annual tutor training 'weekend'

Four fantastic days which saw all the tutors again requalify both their theory and practical, and supporting one anothers development.

It also saw Pippa quaify as an Advanced Tutor.

The inaugural LAMBs (Ladies Only Men Barred!) rideout took place on Sunday 12 September.

Organised by Rosie, the ladies only ride commenced at Seaways and concluded at Hunmanby Gap.

It's intention is to provide a 'safe' environment for lady riders to be introduced to, and become involved with advanced riding without feeling intimidated.

September cocluded with a group meeting, as covid restrictions were lifted to an almost normal level, which had guest Paul Rainy-Sygrove delivering a first aid course based on the initial stabilisation of victims at collisions.


A large contingent of E-YARD attended the annual Ride To The Wall, commemorative ride to honour fallen service personell at the National Arboretum, then on to Normandy in France visiting war grave and battle sites

Coddiwomples comprised a jaunt over the Howardian Hills led by Adam Abel, and a run to Skegness for some late and welcome Autumn sunshine.

Pippa, Christine and Bob Stephenson enjoyed a machine control course at Croft Race circuit.

Development of the in-house machine handling course - E-YARD Bike Bonding Course - commenced with Paul Morton and Chris Hood developing a training programme and course with a view to delivering it to group members in 2022.

Andy Jenkinson passed his advanced test this month.

Pippa delivered an excellent presentation on 'Plan B' - night riding, defensive riding and what to do when it all goes wrong.


As the riding season started to conclude, there was still a desire amongst group members to carry on with the Coddiwomples as long as possible. This saw Adam Abel lead 16 members over some goat tracks on the Howardian Hills to a welcome tea and cake at Easingwold.

Paul Richardson qualified as an advanced rider.

E-YARD Tutor Hub were invited to Humberside Police Special Operations Unit for a review of the seasons BikeSafe season and the plans for next year.

For the final group meeting of 2021, guest speaker Angie Bird presented her talk on night driving and eyesight deterioration through age.


Largely wet, there was very little happening in Decemebr.

The Christmas 'Do' did take place, albeit with some social distance restrictions being emlpoyed due to a new strain of Covid - Omicron.

This led to cancellation of the final group meeting of the year.



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East Yorkshire Advanced Riders & Drivers (E-YARD) meet monthly at Beverley & East Riding Golf Club, Anti Mill Road, Beverley Westwood, HU17 8RG 

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