July 2020 Review
Summer? What Summer?!!
After the main lock-down, stuck at home, wheels not turning, polish and cloths being exercised daily, restrictions started to really lift as we hit the mid summer month of July.
However July didn't get the 'Start Sun' update!
The brave hearts still got out on their steeds though, with Paul M continuing his tuition under Ian's watchful eye, seen here feeding back to new member Adam

Whatever Paul was saying, Adam found it amusing!
Lots of training and initial assessments were undedrtaken, with Rosie using a week off from her day job to clear the Covod back-log!
First off the blocks was new member Chris Hancock for an initial assessment, followed by a training session with Neil Ford the following day.
A day later she oversaw Ian assessing Paul (assessing!) Adam (confusing innit!)
The evening of that day had Dave Scott being initially assessed as he formally joined E-YARD.
A couple of days later Rosie assessed Mark Kelk as he carried out an initial assessemnt on new member Daniel Sugden. Phew!!
Rosie featured heavily in several social ride-outs too!!
Seaways re-opened its doors and this quickly attracted Rosie and Hoody!

The next day was a fish and chip run with Ian S and Hoody around the back roads of East and North Yorkshire

Another day, another ride out saw a stunning ride from Beverley via Wolds Way Cafe (lovely bacon and eggs!) then over the Wolds to North Yorkshire and the Howardian Hills, North Yorkshire Moors and down to Sleights for tea and tiffin!
Mike Allen has been training to become a group tutor under Ian Streets guidance and completed the practical part of his tutor training this month.
Mike also gained his Gold grade on test.
With the easing of some of the Covid restrictions the Beverley Golf Club was once again able to host us for group meetings. The meeting reviewed what had been happening in the 'lockdown' and then saw Rosie deliver a presentation in the car park on POWDDERYSS
Thursday 30 July had the club do a fish n chip run to Cleethorpes (yes, I know it isn't East Yorkshire!) Meeting at Beverley and riding over the Humber Bridge onto the Lincolnshire Wolds the long way round to Papa's Fish shop on Clee pier.
Please don't ask what Kelvin is doing - he is very special.
Again, the group has had another very good month, with two new members joining us, Steve Burns a BMW GS rider, and Richard Cumbers who has just bought a Suzuki 1250 (which used to beling to the Chair, Mark!)
Both have joined us on ride-outs in July and are enjoying the social aspect before the hard work begins!
With the political landscape throughout the country and the world in general, Group Chair Mark Kelk published the following statement to underline E-YARD commitment to equality and our, and RoADAR's, core values;-
"May I just draw attention to the values and policies of the group.
We are a friendly group, which over the past three years has bonded through a love of motoring, bike and car, and social bonding.
It is more than RoSPA Advanced Riders and Driver East Yorkshire, we are equally a social club in which some great friendships have been made and continue to be nurtured.
A lot of effort has been put in by the committee to make it this way, or strap line "Inclusive, Not Exclusive" was designed to sum up the openness of the group and it's attitude towards all, no matter what sex, colour, religion, orientation or background.
These values run through every thread of the group, whether on here, the Facebook page, or Twitter, Messenger, WhatsApp or any other social media.
What we say, what we publish in these open forums reflects on who and what we are as a group.
We have always run the group with a bit of cheeky humour, but there is a line, and if that humour degenerates into anything that opposes our values then it will be dealt with appropriately.
Please have a laugh, please post the funnies, but please be aware that some things relating to a person's colour, religion or sexuality can cause deep offence, even if an individual doesn't think so.
We live in a world where every piece of social media is trawled for its contents with a view to creating a news story.
Please read the mission statement on the main Facebook page, and the group Code of Conduct on the website.
We are "INCLUSIVE, NOT EXCLUSIVE" - Mark Kelk, E-YARD Chair"