The New Guard in Training

Spring is springing, and the new lambs are out with the old shepherd!
Ian Streets, Advanced Tutor with RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders East Yorkshire (E-YARD) was out and about with Paul M and Mick A tutor training as the foul weather turned and the sun started to make an appearance.
Naturally this didn't last long and at the end of the session the boys rode home in the usual wet stuff!
Paul and Mick took turns at assessing one another under Ians Yoda-like tutelage including writing up full assessment sheets as they prepare to qualify as group tutors.
There was, however, a severe lack of cake on display as they did a final de-brief - standards are clearly dropping!
On a serious note, Mick and Paul are undergoing a quite intensive course, involving tuition from Ian, peer assessment, theory tests as well as maintaining their high standards of riding before a final assessment, which E-YARD have developed, mirroring the RoSPA diploma course to ensure the highest standards in the area for advanced tuition.