August Coddiwomple

RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders East Yorkshire, E-YARD, had their monthly rideout on Sunday 4 August.
The original plan had been to ride to the High Peak in Derbyshire, but with the risk of flooding and heavy rain forecast, plans were altered and after checking for the best weather, Lincolnshire was selected
Meeting at 8 o'clock at Beverley Golf Club, the usual suspects, Chris H, Pippa, Leigh, Guy, Andy B, Rod, Paul and Alwyn were joined by two guests Lee Robbie and Tim Knowles.
Leaving the club around 9am Chris led them over the Humber Bridge then avoided the main roads all the way to Willingham Wood as the sun broke through and the day warmed up.
Leigh was on a brand new bike, the second new bike in as many months, and despite her protests about running in, she kept with the pack well!

Having refreshed the group head via some 'interesting' roads across to Lincoln and to the International Bomber Command Centre for lunch.
The afternoon saw Lee having to leave due to domestic duties, as the rest of the gang head to the East Coasts version of Blackpool - Skegness!
The weather continued to be warm, no sign of the promised rain and after fueling the bikes at the steepest garage forecourt known, the usual ice cream was ordered and consumed on the seafront!
The average mileage was around 240 miles each and some superb views and roads were enjoyed by the group that said their farewells at Barneys Cafe Barnetby!
The next Coddiwomple is planned for Sunday 1 September, starting at 8 am from Beverley Golf Club