Dave's Development Day!

Sunday 17 February saw RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders East Yorkshire's, Advanced Driver Team lead andAdvanced Group Tutor, Dave Pattenden running one of the groups popular Driver Progressive Development Courses.
With two candidates, Dave met at Beverley for pre drive briefing with Andy Trevor and Charlie Lazenby.

(Dave & Charlie pic)
Andy Trevor has previously run the courses, but went along for an assessment as a candidate due to his upcoming tri-annual re-test.
(Dave gives Andy some feedback - pic)
Charlie is awaiting a date for his Advanced Driving Test and took this opportunity of a masterclass to hone his skills under two highly experienced drivers watchful eyes!
However, the way the course runs, with all involved giving feedback to one another, it wasn't all one sided!
A very informative and enjoyable day for all involved, with excellent weather to finish it all off nicely!

(Andy, Charlie & Dave)