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August Review

Mid Summer was a fairly quiet time, with a lot of folk on holiday with families.

August started with a group meeting at East Coast Motorcycle World on the first of the month.

This meeting saw a presentation on Tyre Grip/Trade Off which was a lively session with members getting involved in great debate!

August saw the two new members joining the fold, Paul Bateman and Peter O'Grady - so a big welcome is extended to them.

E-YARD continued involvement with Humberside Police BikeSafe continued mid month with Chris Hood representing the group. Thanks were once again conveyed to the group for this assistance and the final workshops in September will be a two day affair which Rosie and John will be attending.

E-YARD were approached by a representative from Humberside Fire & Rescue (Safer Roads Humber advocate) Dale Turrell to provide members for an event mid September, the UKRO (United Kingdom Rescue Organisations) Challenge to represent RoSPA/ROADAR promoting advanced riding and older driver training.

After consultation with RoSPA HQ the group were authorised to represent RoSPA at this national event. This will be reviewed next month.

With Rosie, Dave P and Andy T all away on holiday there wasn't a great deal of tutoring to report, however 'Norge' got some in with Alwyn who at the time of publishing this review had just passed his test with a Gold. This will be fully reported in September's Review.

Tutor apparel arrived this month which I'm sure we will all agree looks very smart!

A committee meeting was held at the end of the month, details of which are minuted on the website.

With the holidays all over now, the tutoring will continue in earnest as the Autumn rolls on!

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East Yorkshire Advanced Riders & Drivers (E-YARD) meet monthly at Beverley & East Riding Golf Club, Anti Mill Road, Beverley Westwood, HU17 8RG 




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