So What Is Advanced?
So you've passed your DVSA motorcycle test and that's it.
The roads are your playground you've proved yourself by passing the test.
No need to do anything else. Right?
Advanced Riding is only for beardy wierdies, right?
It's the boring stuff that the cops do, right?
You need to be on a big touring bike to do that, right?
Wrong actually.
You can never stop learning. Passing the DVSA test should just be the start of your motorcycling career.
The lessons learnt on the test should be built upon, nurtured and taken to a higher level.
Actually the DVSA test prepares riders really well. If everyone rode to those standards (and likewise if car drivers drove to the DVSA standards) then road safety wouldn't be an issue.
We would all use the roads appropriately, safely, courteously and respectfully.
So how does the DVSA standard differ to the 'Advanced' standard?
Well not a lot as it happens!
The underpinning standard of DVSA riding is OSM PSL:-
Observation (mirror checks),
In advanced riding it is exactly the same principle but in greater depth.
It's referred to as IPSGA
Information - Taking information from everything around you in the distance in the mid field and in your immediate vicinity. Using this information to formulate a plan to deal with the situation and Giving Information, a signal for example (T.U.G. - Take, Use, Give). This is equates to OSM.
The Look aspect forms part of the Information stage that runs through all the other stages of this system.
One of the main differences really is the fluidity that is provided by IPSGA.
The old RoadCraft used to be regimented "A system or drill, each part of which will be considered in sequence at the approach to any hazard...."
DVSA's OSMPSL mirrors this rigidity in an attempt to train a learning rider a safety system.
This is needed so the correct procedures can be submitted to 'muscle memory' and also provides a framework within which a trainer and an examiner can see that the candidate understands the principles of riding in a safe and systematic manner.
When using the advanced method, IPSGA, none of this is lost.
Due to the information stage being all encompassing, the safety and systematic aspect of riding maintains its integrity whilst allowing the rider to approach hazards in a flexible and fluid manner.
By adopting the System of Motorcycle control, when circumstances change, the rider can drop into whichever part of the system is required to deal effectively and safely with it, even when circumstances change rapidly.
So the difference between standard (OSMPSL) and advanced (ISPGA) is really just flexibility.
Both have the same intent - to keep riders and other road users safe.
Advanced riders are really those who have taken their riding standards seriously and continued to develop and learn.
Whilst this article refers to motorcycle training the underlying principles apply to both disciplines
(Neither of the videos are E-YARD products and are for example/comparison purposes only)