March Review
As the season starts proper - the dark winter nights become a thing of the past, E-YARD celebrates it's first month since re-branding and the launch of the website, FaceBook page and Twitter feed!
The month started with the announcement of the lowest cost advanced training available in the area with an initial joining cost of only £20.00 including RoadCraft, Highway Code and Training Log forming part of the joining package. Renewal is only £15.00!
The development of the website (you are now enjoying!) was completed, and whilst it continues to be tweaked, calendar and weather being the latest additions, it was launched mid March and is full of information and interactive aspects.
This blog was launched shortly after the website went live and is replacing the 'news' page. Relevant items are being migrated over.
A lot of hard work has been going on with a new venue being secured for the monthly meetings - East Coast Motorcycle World at Hutton Cranswick, a venue that boasts a first rate cafe, comfortable seating, a generous room with media friendly facilities in addition to plenty of parking and disabled access.
New training logs have been ordered and are being printed, along with advertising materials and membership cards. Electronic application is also now available via the website!
Tutor training has been progressive with both car and bike disciplines. Jo Bowers is quickly approaching her qualification as a group car tutor and Denise Rose commencing her training to become a motorcycle tutor.
Denise actually re-qualified at Gold standard this month.
Dave Pattenden, one of the group car advanced tutors also re-qualified with a Gold drive.
Several blog features have been submitted and published by various group members, from advice on tyres to anecdotal stories.
Five group members attended a 'Biker Down' course run by North Yorkshire Fire Service at Malton, learning practical and first aid skills should they happen upon an accident.
One of our members even got featured in the national publication - MCN (Motorcycle News)
Our new Facebook page has been active with both serious and club issues as well as some appropriate humorous posts!
The Twitter feed is newly created, but will give prospective candidates another media option to join and become involved with, E-YARD
With several enquiries from interested parties being received - new associates in the wings - the group is starting to develop and grow as we enter the Spring period!