Monthly Group Meeting
The next group meeting of the club is on Tuesday 4 April 2017 at East Coast Motorcycle World, Hutton Cranswick, YO25 9QE
Meeting commences at 1930 and should be concluded around 2100.
We'll be updating members on what stage the re-brand and launch is at, as well as welcoming new members.
We will also be looking at what an Examiner will be expecting at the commencement of your RoADAR Test - both motorcycle and car!
Pre-drive Ride & Drive procedures with demonstrations will be presented.
We will also be setting the date and asking for agenda items for the AGM (planned for the May meeting)
Membership fees are due from 1 April for 2017/18 - £20.00 for new members,
£15.00 renewals
Download a membership form and bring it along:
If you can bring along a passport size photo too the new membership cards can be issued!