Autumn Coddiwomple
The first day of Autumn had RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders East Yorkshire (E-YARD) on the road with the biggest turn out of the year!...

Hornsea Bike Show 2019
August Bank Holiday weekend featured one of the biggest Motorcycle Shows in the north of England - The Hornsea Bike Show After a meeting...

July Review '19
July can be a strange month, the weather can go from torrential to super-hot neither of which are comfortable for training, and it's also...

Here come the Girls
The first week of true Spring - well you wouldn't expect good weather would you?!! With the Tour de Yorkshire heading through the area...

Monthly Group Meet - April 19
RoSPA Advanced Drivers & Riders East Yorkshire (E-YARD) monthly group meet was, as usual held at Beverley Golf Club. The group welcomed...

Newbies Wolds Way Training
Newly qualified Pippa took her first associate out from the Wolds Way Cafe on 4 March. As part of the quality control Pippa's lesson was...

Training the Trainers
As the thought of Spring becoming a reality filtered through, RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Rider East Yorkshire (E-YARD) ran a Tutor...

February Passes as February passes!
As the penultimate day of February brought unseasonally warm weather and prepared to pass on to March and Spring, RoSPA Advanced Drivers...

February Monthly Meeting
An astonishing turnout for the February meeting at the Beverley Golf Club, with 28 members, associates and guests attended. John Wright...

Bikes, Wolds, Cake!
RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders East Yorkshire (E-YARD) bike section enjoyed an impromptu social ride out due to un-seasonally fine...